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2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

​​​​​​​​On 22 November 2023, the Australian Government released the
2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy (the Strategy).

The Strategy is the roadmap that will help realise the Australian Government’s vision of becoming a world leader in cyber security by 2030.

To achieve this vision, we need to protect Australians. Through the Strategy we seek to improve our cyber security, manage cyber risks and better support citizens and Australian businesses to manage the cyber environment around them. We will do this with six cyber shields.

Each shield provides an additional layer of defence against cyber threats and places Australian citizens and businesses at its core:

  1. Strong businesses and citizens
  2. Safe technology
  3. World-class threat sharing and blocking
  4. Protected critical infrastructure
  5. Sovereign capabilities
  6. Resilient region and global leadership.

We envisage a future where stronger cyber protections enable our citizens and businesses to prosper, and to bounce back quickly following a cyber attack.

The Strategy is game-changing for Australia’s cyber security:

  • We are shifting cyber from a technical topic to whole-of-nation endeavour, focusing on providing better support to civilians and industry.
  • We are delivering tangible action on the cyber security issues that matter most to Australian communities and businesses.
  • We are harnessing the whole country to tackle cyber problems, enabled by stronger public private partnerships.

The 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Action Plan (the Action Plan) supplements the Strategy, and details the key initiatives that will commence over the next two years to put us on a path to achieving our vision.

To implement the measures put forth in the Strategy, the Action Plan has been developed detailing the key initiatives that will commence across government over the next two years.

Horizon 1, which focuses on strengthening Australia’s cyber security foundations, will address the critical gaps in Australia’s cyber shields to build strong businesses and citizens through deep partnerships across industry and government.

The Australian Government and industry will work together to enhance the cyber shields and build our national cyber resilience.

​Consultation paper

Alongside the Strategy and Action Plan, Government has released​ a
Consultation Paper​ to work directly with industry to inform proposed legislative reform on:

  • new initiatives to address gaps in existing laws
  • amendments to the
    Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 to strengthen protections for critical infrastructure.

This consultation is a clear step towards the Australian Government’s commitment to shepherding a new era of genuine public-private co-leadership to enhance Australia’s cyber security and resilience.

The consultation period will run until March 2024.

Public consultation on the Strategy​​

The Strategy discussion paper, released 27 February 2023, sought your views on the future of Australian cyber security. Submissions to the discussion paper closed on 15 April 2023. During public consultation on the Strategy, the Government consulted over 700 stakeholders and received over 330 submissions to the Discussion Paper to inform the development of the Strategy.

To view the discussion paper and public submissions, see 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper.


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