North Okanagan couple building small, efficient homes in Salmon Arm

North Okanagan couple building small, efficient homes in Salmon Arm

A North Okanagan couple is carving out a niche in Salmon Arm building efficient, prefabricated, Scandanavian-design inspired homes. 

Amy and Dennis Schlak are residents of Vernon, though they have several homes in various stages of construction at their worksite in the Salmon Arm Industrial Park. The Schlaks run Domicile2 Eco Forge Homes, and share a mission to build homes that last, so their owners have more time to focus on the things they love.  

That mission is achieved by constructing homes inspired by European construction practices and designs.

“We source the finest materials from Europe to create and design homes that are are energy efficient for every Canadian season,” said Amy. 

Domicile2’s creations differ from modular homes, Amy explained, in that they are more of a secondary dwelling and can be set directly on a foundation without having to be raised. 

What really sets the Schlak’s homes apart is their design and the materials that go into them. For example, Amy said the layered walls are filled with a densely packed fire-resistant cellulose that helps create an air-tight envelope. 

“We also have this German fibreboard that we use on the outside of that for an added layer of insulation, and there’s no gaps in that because it’s a tongue-in-groove thing,” she explained. “On top of that, there are materials that go on the outside to make it all weatherproof – and then the cladding, which is actually a Nordic spruce we bring from Finland. Over time it will become this silvery beautiful natural wood colour.”

A smooth birch is used for the walls inside to provide a warm, modern yet natural look. 

Natural light is abundant through floor-to-ceiling windows sourced from Germany. Amy explained they give the inside space maximum light in every weather condition. Inside, the walls and high ceilings are a smooth birch for the modern Scandinavian look.  

Storage space is minimal by design. 

“Our philosophy is we want to minimize the materialism…,” said Amy. “Our modular homes don’t allow for much collection because there isn’t that much storage… a lot of storage is not needed to be happy. That ’s kind of where we’re going.”

Currently, Domicile2 offers five different pre-built structures, including an office space and one that combines two different models with a glass walled breezeway. Amy said the units can be customized with solar panels so they can operate off-grid. 

Though they’ve lived in the area for about 15 years, Amy said the company is fairly new, having started up about a year ago. Asked why the business was started in Salmon Arm, Amy said landscape was a key consideration. 

“We thought it was a really perfect place to start,” said Amy. “We hope to eventually move ourselves there.” 

The Schlak’s argue their products are well ahead of the game when it comes to B.C.’s building code, and offer peace of mind to future owners that they will not be breathing in any microplastics or harmful chemicals. Am said part of the business’ name, EcoForge Homes, underlines this commitment.

“We home the valley will embrace us and work together to bring these to our communities who will greatly benefit from our well-made product that has been forged to last…,” said Amy.

For more information, visit or the Domicile2 page on Facebook. 


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